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2021/5/24 11:34   中国安防行业网      关键字:国外新品 非冷却 热感 镜头      浏览量: 2600
总部位于Hertfordshire的Silent Sentinel公司扩大了其Aeron Ranger摄像机套件,其包括一个25-150mm长波长红外(LWIR)非冷却热感镜头,代替了原来的50-150mm镜头。制造商表示,这种新镜头具有坚固的外壳保护,可以提供清晰的图像。
  Uncooled thermal lens
  Hertfordshire-based Silent Sentinel has expanded its Aeron Ranger suite of cameras to include a 25-150mm Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) uncooled thermal lens, which replaces the 50-150mm lens. This new lens offers crisp images within a rugged housing, the makers say.
  The new F1.4 lens features a 6x motorised optical zoom as well as a narrow horizontal field of view: 25.4 degrees (W) – 4.1 degrees (T) and is capable of detecting human targets at ranges of over three kilometres and vehicles at a range of ten kilometres.
  This new lens is part of the Aeron Ranger suite of cameras, a series of compact and ruggedized thermal sensors capable of being deployed in deserts and Arctic coastlines. They can operate within a temperature range of minus 30 degrees C to 65 degrees C and are tested to an IP67 level of environmental protection for performance even in extreme conditions. This means that the Aeron Rangers can withstand the harshest surroundings in challenging applications such as maritime and border security as well as vehicle mount installations, the firm says.
  The Aeron Ranger’s 360 degrees continuous rotation and rapid pan and tilt speeds mean that it can detect small targets in remote locations and in a variety of climates. Aeron Rangers have previously been deployed on police vehicles in Europe, at airports in the Middle East, and for CNI (critical national infrastructure) applications in North America.
  Silent Sentinel provides surveillance and security systems, specialising in cooled and uncooled long-range thermal camera platforms. Products have been exported to over 50 countries.
  James Longcroft, Sales Director at Silent Sentinel said: “The introduction of this new lens illustrates our commitment to keeping the Aeron platform at the cutting edge of threat detection. By incorporating this new lens, we are able to provide a competitively positioned, compact and ruggedized camera that offers best-in-class performance even in brutal conditions. Our expertise lies in combining accuracy and durability to ensure the precise recognition of small targets at long range in challenging environments.”

  总部位于Hertfordshire的Silent Sentinel公司扩大了其Aeron Ranger摄像机套件,其包括一个25-150mm长波长红外(LWIR)非冷却热感镜头,代替了原来的50-150mm镜头。制造商表示,这种新镜头具有坚固的外壳保护,可以提供清晰的图像。
  新型F1.4镜头具有6倍电动光学变焦以及狭窄的水平视野:25.4度(W)– 4.1度(T),能够检测三公里以上范围内的人体目标以及十公里的范围车辆目标。
  这款新镜头是Aeron Ranger摄像机套件的一部分,该套件是一系列紧凑而坚固的热传感器,能够部署在沙漠和北极海岸线上。它们可以在负30摄氏度至65摄氏度的温度范围内正常运行,并经过IP67环保等级的测试,即使在极端条件下也能保证其性能正常。该公司表示,这意味着Aeron Ranger系列摄像机可以在具有挑战性的应用中承受最恶劣的环境,例如海上和边境安全。
  Aeron Ranger的360度连续旋转以及快速的平移和倾斜速度意味着它可以检测偏远地区和各种气候中的小型目标。Aeron Rangers先前已部署在欧洲的警车、中东的机场以及北美的CNI(关键国家基础设施)应用中。
  Silent Sentinel提供监视和安全系统,专门研究冷却和不冷却的远程热像仪平台,其产品已出口到50多个国家。
  Silent Sentinel销售总监James Longcroft表示:“这种新型镜头的推出说明了我们致力于将Aeron平台保持在威胁检测最前沿的承诺。通过结合使用这种新镜头,我们能够提供具有竞争力的紧凑而坚固型的摄像机,即使在残酷的条件下也能提供一流的性能。我们的专长在于将准确性和耐用性相结合,以确保在挑战性的环境中能够长期精准识别小型目标。”
