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2020/10/26 12:41   中国安防行业网      关键字:国外新品 可视 对讲站      浏览量:
Zenitel美洲区总裁Dan Rothrock表示:“各方都能明白的清晰沟通对于每个安全应用程序都是至关重要的。新的TCIV +视频对讲站通过一系列创新功能实现了这一目标,这些创新功能扩展了音频,视频和声学技术的范围,并消除了噪声和带宽限制。结果是可以随时随地听到,听到和理解自己的声音。”
  Video intercom station
  New from Zenitel is its TCIV+ (Turbine Compact Intercom Video) Station. It offers the audio of the company’s Turbine Compact Series with video, and allows for integration with other security systems. A new chipset provides intelligent communication at the edge.
  Dan Rothrock, President of Zenitel Americas says: “Clear communication that all parties can understand is critical to every security application. The new TCIV+ video intercom station achieves this through a wide array of innovative features that extend the limits of audio, video and acoustic technology and remove noise and bandwidth constraints. The result is the ability to hear, be heard and be understood, anywhere and anytime.”
  Features of the new video intercom station include:
  HD Video
  Faster Processing
  The 10W speaker, matching 10W class D amplifier, and digital MEMS microphones provide duplex, hands-free communication so that the product can also be used as a public address speaker. With built-in software, the station can adjust a voice that is too loud or too soft to an intelligible signal for the call recipient. The speaker volume automatically adjusts to an audible level to overcome ambient noise. HD voice and video sits within the same form factor as the Turbine Compact (TCIS, TCIV) range. Installation and capabilities remain the same as with other Turbine stations. A Field of View feature captures more of the area around the station, and a 30-per-second frame rate provides a look of movement caught on the camera. As for processing data, the product comes with the 4x Cortex CPU cores, 4 Gbit RAM, and 1 Gb flash memory.
  Erik Hoffman, Head of Product Management, Onshore, Zenitel says: “Zenitel is well known for its best-in-class audio quality. Now with the TCIV+ we have taken our video performance to a new level. To get this done we have built the new stations on a completely new hardware platform that enables top class performance and significant potential for future feature expansion.”
  The station has a solid aluminum, die-cast frame. The UV-resistant, anechoic speaker design provides an open flow of audio, and is protected from tampering, with speaker-grill angles that prevent direct access to the speaker, as well as an acoustically transparent poke screen that prevents perforation attempts while maintaining audio flow.
  As for cyber-security, the products uses integrated IEEE 802.1X network access control. As a Center for Internet Security (CIS) SecureSuite member, Zenitel follows and contributes to standards and best practices, the company adds. Users can select from four TCIV+ stations with different features and functionalities. A touchless sensor, as an accessory, gives contactless access as sought during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it can activate intercom calls by gesture recognition, for example, with the swipe of a hand.
  Lars Paulsson, EVP for Safety and Security at Zenitel says: “We certainly believe that audio, just like video, plays a key part in any security solution. The need to interact and communicate with individuals moving in and out of spaces is vital, and at Zenitel we strive to keep people safe by enabling everyone to hear, be heard and be understood – every time and everywhere. With the development of the TCIV+, we combine IP video and IP audio and continue to drive the future of intelligent communication – powered and driven by Turbine technology.”

  Zenitel公司的新产品是其TCIV + (Turbine Compact可视对讲)站。它提供该公司Turbine Compact系列的音频和视频,并允许与其他安全系统集成。新的芯片组可提供智能通信。
  Zenitel美洲区总裁Dan Rothrock表示:“各方都能明白的清晰沟通对于每个安全应用程序都是至关重要的。新的TCIV +视频对讲站通过一系列创新功能实现了这一目标,这些创新功能扩展了音频,视频和声学技术的范围,并消除了噪声和带宽限制。结果是可以随时随地听到,听到和理解自己的声音。”
  10W扬声器,匹配的10W D类放大器和数字MEMS麦克风可提供免提双工通信,因此该产品还可以用作公共广播扬声器。借助内置软件,该分机可以将太大或太柔和的语音调整为对于呼叫接收者来说可理解的信号。扬声器的音量会自动调节到可听的水平,以克服环境噪音。高清语音和视频的尺寸与Turbine Compact(TCIS,TCIV)范围相同。安装和功能与其他Turbine相同。“视野”功能可捕获周围更多区域,并且每秒30帧的帧速可提供捕捉到的移动摄像机外观。至于数据处理,该产品配备了4个Cortex CPU内核,4 Gbit RAM和1 Gb闪存。
  Zenite Onshore产品管理负责人Erik Hoffman说:“ Zenitel以其一流的音频质量而闻名。现在,借助TCIV +,我们将视频性能提升到了一个新的水平。为了做到这一点,我们已经在全新的硬件平台上构建了新的工作站,该平台具有一流的性能,并为将来的功能扩展提供了巨大潜力。”
  至于网络安全方面,该产品采用集成的IEEE 802.1X网络访问控制。作为互联网安全中心(CIS)SecureSuite的成员,Zenitel遵循并为标准和最佳实践做出了贡献。用户可以从四个具有不同功能的TCIV + 工作站中进行选择。作为配件,非接触式传感器提供了在COVID-19大流行期间寻求的非接触式访问,因为它可以通过手势识别(例如,用手滑动)来激活内部通话。
  Zenitel安全与安全执行副总裁Lars Paulsson表示:“我们当然相信音频和视频一样,在任何安全解决方案中都起着关键作用。与进出空间的个人进行交互和交流的需求至关重要,在Zenitel,我们致力于通过使每个人随时随地都能听到和理解来确保人们的安全。随着TCIV +的发展,我们将IP视频和IP音频结合在一起,并继续驱动由Turbine技术提供驱动力的智能通信的未来。”
