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2020/8/31 14:10   中国安防行业网      关键字:国外新品 疏散 警报 系统      浏览量:
消防安全产品公司C-TEC表示其正在准备推出新的疏散警报系统EVAC-ALERT。正如位于Wigan的总公司所表示,该系统符合新的英国标准 BS 8629-2019,并且提供了安装在公寓楼中的疏散警报系统的指南,以帮助消防和救援服务(FRS)在紧急情况下疏散部分或全部建筑物中的人员。
  Evacuation Alert System 
  The fire safety product company C-TEC reports that it’s preparing to launch a new Evacuation Alert System, EVAC-ALERT. As the Wigan-based firm says, a new British Standard, BS 8629:2019 gives guidance on evacuation alert systems as installed in blocks of flats to assist the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) in evacuating part or all of a building in an emergency.
  This new EVAC-ALERT product, pictured, can be customised to create a BS 8629-compliant solution in any high-rise residential building, the firm says. Housed in a vandal-resistant locked cabinet accessible only by fire crews in an emergency, the control panel features an intuitive interface, bright LED indicators and toggle switches for each evacuation zone. Each panel can connect to an array of evacuation alert devices including sounders, visual alert devices and even vibrating devices and pagers to alert the deaf, hard of hearing or mobility impaired. The product has EN54-2/4 third-party certified components and can be used to create building-specific wired, wireless or hybrid evacuation alert systems in consultation with the relevant fire service.
  Andy Scott, Project Director at C-TEC said: “As a leading manufacturer of world-class life-safety systems, C-TEC has an enviable reputation for delivering high-quality standard-compliant solutions at a competitive price. We’ve utilised our time-tested technology and expertise to create EVAC-ALERT, a system specifically designed to meet the exact requirements of BS 8629 and one which is certain to be of interest to landlords, property managers and local authorities keen to ensure their buildings fully comply with this new standard.”

  消防安全产品公司C-TEC表示其正在准备推出新的疏散警报系统EVAC-ALERT。正如位于Wigan的总公司所表示,该系统符合新的英国标准 BS 8629-2019,并且提供了安装在公寓楼中的疏散警报系统的指南,以帮助消防和救援服务部门(FRS)在紧急情况下疏散部分或全部建筑物中的人员。
  该公司表示,可以定制这种新的EVAC-ALERT产品,以在任何高层住宅建筑中创建符合BS 8629标准的解决方案。控制面板安装在防暴锁锁柜中,只有消防人员在紧急情况下才能使用,控制面板具有直观的界面、明亮的LED指示灯和每个疏散区的拨动开关。每个面板都可以连接到疏散警报设备阵列,包括发声器,视觉警报设备,甚至是振动设备和传呼机,以提醒聋哑人、听力障碍或行动不便的人。该产品具有EN54-2 / 4第三方认证的组件,可在与相关消防部门协商后用于创建特定于建筑物的有线、无线或混合式疏散警报系统。
  C-TEC项目总监Andy Scott表示:“作为世界一流的生命安全系统制造商,C-TEC在提供具有竞争力的价格的高质量标的解决方案方面享有令人羡慕的声誉。我们利用久经考验的技术和专业知识来创建EVAC-ALERT,这是一种专门为满足BS 8629标准的确切要求而设计的系统,并且房东、物业经理和地方当局也热衷于确保其建筑物完全符合这一新标准,无疑这是令他们感兴趣的。”
